Tuesday 2 December 2014

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Womens Corsets Biography

Source:- Google.com.pk
It’s the story of tennis: part on-court romance, part off-court sociology. Wilson traces its evolution from leisure fad of the corset-wearing white elite to erotic cousin of Hollywood showbiz, through to the bad behaviour and player politics of the 1970s boom and the brand-endorsed work ethic of the 21st-century game. The macho image of modern male tennis, all power and endurance, is contrasted with the game’s earlier reputation as a “sissy” sport, while Wilson details how women players are either dismissed as frivolous frilly-knicker wearers or shamed for being too athletic and not “feminine” enough.
Why are you reading it?
When I was growing up in Dublin in the 1980s, personalities like Navratilova, Evert, McEnroe and Becker inspired kids to take their racquets to the free public courts that were then dotted about the city. Now I’m an armchair fan of both the WTA (women’s) and ATP (men’s) tours. Wilson’s book was published this year in the run-up to Wimbledon, which still marks the peak excitement for deuces, double faults, broken strings and “new balls, please”, though the highest-ranked, un-injured men will wrap up their season at the ATP World Tour Finals in London this week.
Would you recommend it?
Yes. It’s a smash. The book serves up compelling biographies of champions like Suzanne Lenglen, the first international tennis celebrity (whose father was also the original “pushy” tennis parent), and “chippy” 1930s star Fred Perry, whose later veneration by the BBC belies his outsider status as a working-class player who clashed with the snobbish tennis establishment. Wilson breaks down the rhetoric of sport with the finesse of a cross-court passing shot, her prose slicing through fashion, technology, money and the tragedies of many players’ lives.
What book should everyone read?
A Room with a View, EM Forster’s light Edwardian novel of cads, tourists and misguided engagements. Attitudes to lawn tennis become a key plot point when the unsympathetically portrayed Cecil Vyse twice refuses to be the fourth player in a game of doubles, which fiancee Lucy Honeychurch holds to be “abominably selfish” of him.We reserve the right to remove any content at any time from this Community, including without limitation if it violates the Community Standards. We ask that you report content that you in good faith believe violates the above rules by clicking the Flag link next to the offending comment or by filling out this form. New comments are only accepted for 3 days from the date of publication.A huge change is coming soon for everyone involved in Irish genealogy. By summer 2015, the National Library of Ireland will have a dedicated website making its collection of Catholic parish register microfilms freely available online. These records are – by a long way – the single most important source of historical Irish family information, one of the greatest legacies of the Catholic Church to Ireland.
It is important to understand precisely what the website will do. The Library’s aim is to reproduce on the internet the service already available to the public in the microfilm reading room in Kildare Street in Dublin, where images of 98 per cent of parish registers before 1880 can already be viewed by anybody, without payment or membership or proof of identity.
The new site will offer precisely the same (sometimes frustrating) opportunity to look at (sometimes blurred) photographic reproductions of the original records. But instead of having to travel to Dublin from Buncrana or Ballymena or Boston, you will now be able to view them online. With this service, the Library is simply taking at face value the word “National” in its own title.
What are the implications? Clearly, once these images are as easily available in Salt Lake City and Bangalore as they are in Dublin, swarms of transcribers will descend. Ideally, the results will be free, though some transcripts may sit behind paywalls. On the other hand, there will be nothing to stop any local history society in the country from just putting a transcript of their own parishes online. The more the merrier.
Some opposition can be expected. The existing transcription-only service at rootsireland.ie will protest loudly. But would they not be better advised to use the images to improve their own offering and increase their head-start on competitors?
It is almost impossible to overstate the importance of what is about to happen. When the Irish public service gets things right, it can get them spectacularly, gloriously right.
irishroots@irishtimes.com irishtimes.com/ancestor

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Womens Corsets Corset Piercing Tops Dress Wedding Dresses Training Before and After Waist Training Tattoo Costumes Prom Dress

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